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Why does my dental implant hurt when I chew

Dental implants are a safe and effective way to fix your smile and mouth. It can last for decades if the dentist puts in the right implants and the person takes good care of their teeth. Over a decade, 98 percent of people who got dental implants were happy with them.

During your recovery, you might feel pain from the implant surgery. But the dentist will tell you to take painkillers to ensure comfort. If the pain lasts for more than a few days or worsens, you will need to see a doctor.

What can i do about It?

If your dental implants hurt when you chew, you don’t have time to wait. Whether the pain starts a few days, months, or years after the implant was put in, you should call your doctor to find out what’s wrong and what the best course of action is. You must check the following and take action if necessary:

  • Implants can also fail if you have diabetes or you smoke, so it’s important to keep your diabetes under control and quit smoking to improve your dental health.
  • If you have problems with your soft tissues, the dentist can give you treatments to prevent more problems. If the problem causes your jawbone to break down under the implant, you may need surgery to fix it.
  • After getting a dental implant, you can expect to feel pain and discomfort for a short time. But the pain can be treated with medicine and will get better over time.

How to fix a tooth implant that is infected?

Depending on how bad the infection is, your dentist may recommend special mouth rinses or a mix of other options to get your implant back on the road to health. Antibiotics, surgery, laser therapy with surface disinfection, mechanical dissection, or antimicrobial therapy may be used to treat the infection.

Common complications post dental implant 

Some of the most common complications that are noticed after dental implant placement are mentioned below.

  • Incision Line Opening: The tissue around the titanium post-opening up after surgery is a common problem after getting an implant. Most likely, the opening of the incision will hurt and itch.

To avoid getting infections, your oral surgeon might tell you to rinse with chlorhexidine mouth rinse or take antibiotics. Admittedly, if the pain doesn’t subside, you will need extra medical care.

  • Improper Implant Placement: If you feel pain or discomfort after getting an implant, it means that the titanium rod is not fusing with your jawbone as it should. The implant may need to be taken out and put back in later.
  • Infection: Infections can happen if bacteria from your mouth get into the surgically impacted tissue and stop it from healing. The area where the surgery was done might reopen or not heal as expected.

Management of dental implant pain

Your oral surgeon will tell you how to take care of yourself after surgery so that you can manage and lessen pain. 

  • After an operation, you may need to take prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers or avoid certain foods, like those that are hard or hot.
  • Use ice packs to reduce swelling; your dentist is the best person to give youinstructions on how to care for the surgical site on the day of the procedure and possibly the days after, depending on how you feel.

You should expect short-term pain when receiving dental implants. You can take medicine to treat this pain, which will improve over time. Pain that lasts or gets worse could be a sign of a problem. If you’re still in pain or uncomfortable more than 5 days after your procedure, you should call your doctor.