Potranco Dental office


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Daily Care Tips For Maintaining Your Invisalign Aligners

These are revolutionary braces that will forever change the way we look at orthodontic treatment. They are hardly visible unlike conventional braces and you can remove them, making them more convenient and flexible.

You must, however, observe proper Hygiene with Invisalign to use them effectively and see you through the treatment period. So what are some of the daily tips for maintaining your Invisalign aligners? Read on to know!

Significance of Continuous Cleanliness when It Comes to Invisalign

When it comes to Invisalign, clean teeth matter a lot. This is because keeping these trays clear and odor-free also helps maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout the entire period of one’s treatment.

Why is hygiene concerning Invisalign so important?

To start with, if you put on dirty aligners, plaque may form in your mouth which can cause bad breath or even tooth decay; hence do not let poor oral hygiene ruin your efforts towards attaining a beautiful smile. Secondly, caring about your aligners rightly makes them transparent as well as virtually invisible. Therefore, how can you maintain excellent oral Hygiene with Invisalign while wearing Invisalign?

  • Brush and Floss Regularly: Ensure that you brush your teeth thoroughly before fitting back your retainers; this will prevent food particles from getting caught between the teeth and the tray film.
  • Clean Your Aligners Daily: Use an unscented soap and a soft-bristle toothbrush to clean your aligners gently. Toothpaste should be avoided since it may scratch or wear away the plastic material used.
  • Rinse Thoroughly: Before reinserting your aligner back into the mouth always rinse using lukewarm water’ never use hot water due to its ability to distort plastic.

Handling and Storing the Aligners

Cleaning alone is not enough; handling and storage practices should be observed properly. How should you treat Invisalign aligners without damaging them? Have a look at the following tips.

  • Remove them carefully, and avoid bending or damaging your trays by doing it in the same manner every time.
  • Store Them Safely: Keep your aligners within their case while you’re not using them to help against inadvertent damage or loss.
  • Avoid Exposing Them to Heat: The car and heater should be kept away from your aligner that is why they are never left in the car and near it as well since they may lose shape.

Eating and Drinking with Invisalign On

You have one benefit of Hygiene with Invisalign—you can take it off while eating. However, there are some things you need to remember:

Dos and Don’ts While Eating

‘Can I eat anything with my Invisalign?’ Here’s what you need to know.

  • Always Remove Aligners: Never chew food having retainers on it as it may discolor or destroy it.
  • Avoid Sugary Drinks: Sodas containing sugar or those that are acidic such as wine can lead to decay of teeth besides staining the clear film of these braces.
  • Rinse After Meals: If possible brush your teeth and rinse your mouth before reinserting the tray so that little bits of food don’t get caught in them when they come back into your mouth.

Cleaning Your Aligners: Do’s and Don’ts

Keeping your trays clean is crucial to maintaining the clarity and integrity of your aligners. What are some do’s and don’ts?

Do’s for Cleaning

  • Invisalign cleaning crystals: These are meant specifically for cleaning your set of aligners.
  • Brush softly: Use a toothbrush with a light bristle when cleaning trays.

Don’ts for Cleaning

  • Colored Soaps should be avoided because they can stain the aligner material.
  • Toothpaste is too abrasive for plastic, so you don’t have to use it.

Nightly Routine for Invisalign Aligners

A regular night routine will help you maintain clean aligners as well as teeth. Here is a simple guide:

What Should Your Nightly Routine Include?

  • Soak Aligners: As you brush and floss, soak in an Invisalign solution.
  • Brush & Floss: Take more time brushing & flossing before bedtime as this helps remove any food particles that might have been left out during the day.
  • Inspect Aligners: Make sure there are no cracks or discolorations on them.

Regular Check-Ups with Your Potranco Road Dentist TX

Even with perfect care, regular visits to your dentist are essential. What makes these visits so important?

The Role of Your Dentist in Invisalign Care

The Potranco Road Dentist TX can offer professional cleaning services aside from monitoring how treatment progress is going by spotting any potential problems early enough just to ensure that your treatment goes smoothly.

  • Professional Cleaning: A comprehensive cleanup of all plaques on teeth by The
  • Potranco Road Dentist TX Progress Checks: Teeth check-ups allow the dentist to monitor how he/she finds necessary adjustments.
  • Addressing Concerns: Any questions you may have about Invisalign aligners can be addressed by him/her.

Additional Tips for Maintaining Your Invisalign Aligners

Here are some other pointers to help guarantee the greatest outcomes:

  • Maintaining hydration
    Load yourself with water. It helps eliminate food particles and lowers the possibility of dry mouth, which may lead to unpleasant breath.
  • Avoid Smoking
    Smoking is responsible for the discolouration of teeth and aligners, as well as other oral problems that lead to bad breath.
  • Be Consistent
    Ensure you wear your trays for at least 20-22 hours every day to achieve good results.


Keeping your Invisalign clean is about more than just looking after them; it’s about making sure that your overall oral health remains in top form. These everyday care pointers will help you get the most out of your Invisalign treatment.

Are you ready to embark on your journey to a beautiful smile? Regular check-ups with your Potranco Road Dentist TX will help you stay on track. They provide a spectrum of dental treatments and solutions to complement your orthodontic work and general oral health. Whether it’s a normal cleaning, correcting issues with your Invisalign, or any dental requirement, your dentist is your partner in obtaining the best outcomes.

Remember that maintaining good Hygiene with Invisalign throughout an Invisalign course is crucial. If you have any questions or concerns regarding aligners, feel free to ask at Potranco Road Dentist TX.